German Reservist Canteen, 1886-1888


German Reservist Canteen of a Soldier from the 29th Infantry Regiment of Trier, Known as the “Von Horn” Regiment.

Glass canteen covered in red leather, featuring several inscriptions, some of which are difficult to decipher. However, the phrase “Hoch lebe die Reserve” (Long Live the Reserve) is clearly visible in the center.

On the lower part of the canteen, the inscriptions include the city, the years 1886-1888, and his rank/name: Gefreiter (Corporal) Prass.

Around the edges of the canteen, the following inscription appears:

“Du warst mein Trost in frühen Stunden, das hab ich als Soldat empfunden,” which can be translated as: “You were my comfort in the early hours; I felt it as a soldier” most likely referring to the alcohol in his canteen.

On the back of the canteen, a drawing depicts a soldier and his sweetheart, accompanied by the phrase:

“Meine nicht ich komm bald wieder, ob es wahr ist?”, which could be translated as: “Don’t cry, I’ll be back soon. Will I?”

The canteen’s cord is still present and in good condition.

Height of the canteen: 19 cm / 7.48 inches.